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December 11, 2023


The regular meeting of the Palmer Township Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Palmer Township Hall, with Chairman Ganz, Supervisor Demeules, and Supervisor Wipper present. Also, present was Amy Bragelman Township Clerk. Roger Johnson Treasurer joined the meeting remotely. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Treasurer’s Report:  Roger Johnson read the balances from the Treasurer's report. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Supervisor Wipper seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. 


Sheriff’s Report: Capitan Ben Zawacki read the Sheriff’s for the month of November. 80 Total calls for service as compared to 91 calls for service in 2022. Capitan Zawacki stated that there were no auto accidents for the month of November. Crime was also low for the month of November. There were some locks cut at the storage sheds, but nothing was taken. Some farm equipment was also stolen, but that seemed to be a family argument. There were 4 medicals, one grass fire, 21 traffic stops, and 15 security checks.


Road Maintenance/Signs: Chairman Ganz stated that in the mornings the roads have been a little slippery in spots, but we haven’t needed salt or sand as of yet. We are up to date on road projects. Supervisor Wipper fixed the stop sign on 95th and cleaned up the garbage in the ditch. All of the signs are up to date.



Fire Department: Chief Koren gave the monthly call report for the period of 11/13/23 – 12/11/23 There was a total of 14 calls for the Clear Lake Fire Department. 8 of those calls were for Palmer Township, 7 being medical, 1 fire, and 0 auto accidents.



P.E.C: We are all set for clean-up day which will be held on May 18th.


Park Report: Chairman Ganz stated that Supervisor Wipper will be moving the dumpster at the park. The ski trails are closed until we have some snow. Shelly Alger- Peyton reported for the park committee. All of the baskets are in for Disc golf. They will wait until spring to install signs and posts. Chairman Ganz asked the committee if they could ask around and see if anyone had a disc set to donate to the Township so people could try out the course. The Forester would be completing his report for the Stewardship plan. Most of the work will be the elimination of buckthorn, which will allow the preferred trees to grow. Supervisor Wipper added that this is a long process, not a sprint and it will take time to clear out the invasive plants. There are a lot of good trees. Chairman Ganz added that at some point we may bring in goats to clear some of the remaining buckthorn once the bulk of it is removed. The committee is still working on potential locations for tennis and pickleball courts, as well as parking for the summer Palmer Ball.   

            Supervisor Demeules reported on Elk Lake Park. The County was awarded a 1.98-million-dollar grant in November from the Legacy Grant that they applied for. The first phase trail is mowed and ready for guests. Supervisor Demeules urged residents to stay out of and away from the buildings. Phase two will be the removal of buildings, septics, and caping of wells. They are also looking into more cultural training for 2024.


Lake Association: Shelly Alger-Peyton reported that they will be sending out membership forms in January, and are going to do an online membership form, and payment. The holiday Train on the Chain went well they had 29 machines this year. Ice Day will be held on February 10th, and fireworks and the lake parade have been set for July 6th this year.  


Legal Comments: David Myers is writing a right-of-way agreement for the holding pond on 109th.


Approval of Minutes: Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the November minutes as written. Supervisor Wipper seconded it and the motion carried.


ARPA FUND: The funds have all been used, and will be taken off the agenda.





NEW BUSINESS: Supervisor Demeules wrote up an Employee Handbook Chairman Ganz made a motion to approve the handbook and Supervisor Wipper Seconded. There will be a copy available at the town hall if anyone would like to look through it.

The Supervisors Renewed our contract with the Tri-County Humane Society.


COMMENTS/QUESTIONS: Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve claims #23295- #23313, plus payroll, Conexus for a total of 27,217.67 Supervisor Wipper second


Chairman Ganz made a motion to adjourn.  Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.


Amy Bragelman, Palmer Township Clerk Approved as reviewed January 8th, 2024

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