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July 8, 2024


The regular meeting of the Palmer Township Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Palmer Township Hall, with Chairman Ganz, Supervisor Demeules, and Supervisor Wipper present. Also, present was Amy Bragelman Township Clerk, and Roger Johnson Treasurer. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Treasurer’s Report: Roger Johnson read the balances from the Treasurer's report. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Supervisor Wipper seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Roger reported that PERA law where changing Elected officials have a one-time opportunity to contribute to PERA. If they choose to contribute, they are in for the duration of time on the board, and if they choose not to, they can never change their mind and sign up later.

Sheriff’s Report: Capitan Ben Zawacki read the Sheriff’s report for the month of June. There were 92 Total calls for service as compared to 129 calls for service in 2023. Zawacki stated that it was a quiet month. There were 2 thefts, 1 fraud complaint, 20 traffic stops, 1 fire, 11 security checks, 11 extra patrols, 4 boating compliance checks, 2 suspicious activities, and 1 ATV complaint to name a few. The board asked if he could send a few examples of other Township ordinances for golf carts so Palmer could get an idea of how they could write theirs. He said he would do that.

Road Maintenance/Signs: Supervisor Demeules stated that we have gone through 36 tons of asphalt in pothole repairs, and should be wrapped up by Wednesday. Herbst completed the ditch mowing. We received 2 estimates from Dahlke. One for 26th Street came in at $133,000 and one for 108th at $140,000.00. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to have Dahlke bid out the jobs. Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried. Supervisor Demeules reported that the DNR would like to see guard rails by the culvert on Briggs Creek, or reasons why we think that we would not need them. A resident inquired about putting up a slower speed limit sign than the one that is currently at the dead end in Cedar Point. The Board said that they can’t determine speed limits that is MN DOT and they would need to do a speed study. She said she would be willing to call and ask if someone could find her a number.

Fire Department: Chief Koren reported for the month of June. The monthly call report for 06/10/2024 to 07/08/2024. There was a total of 23 calls for the Clear Lake Fire Department. 5 of those calls were for Palmer Township, 4 being medical, 1 fire, and 0 auto accidents.

P.E.C: Treasurer Roger Johnson reported that we need to call Midway we have a credit there and we should have a check.

Park Report: Chairman Ganz reported parking has been very successful. This year the Supervisors and other volunteers have been directing parking to keep vehicles and kids off the roads. The pickleball pad is in. When the court is finished the slab should be 65x 65. It looks like with donations from the Lions, money coming out of the park fund, and money that we hope to get from the County, we should have enough funds. We are also relying on volunteers to help with the labor of the concrete pad. Supervisor Wipper stated that we have removed a lot of the dead trees from the park we do have a few stumps that need to be grounded. The Park Committee is to meet on Tuesday so there isn’t anything new to report at this time.

Two Inlets: Supervisor Demeules reported that there will be no meetings in May, June, or July.

Lake Association: Shelly Alger-Peyton reported that the BLCA currently has around 220 members. Directories went out last week. Brad Kipp will be handling any corrections that may need to be made for next year. If you have any concerns you can go to the website there is a spot to voice any issues you may have. The next BLCA meeting will be held this Saturday at the Town Hall at 8 am. Barb Aaberg reported for the T LID their annual meeting will be held on August 17th at 10 am at the Town Hall. At that time 2 board positions need to be filled. PLM will be doing individual property spraying this week.

Approval of Minutes: Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the June minutes Supervisor Wipper seconded it and the motion carried.


NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Ganz made a motion to renew the liquor license for the Briggs Lake General Store and the Palmer House Supervisor Demeules seconded, Supervisor Wipper abstained and the motion was carried.

Supervisor Demeules went over the new proposed Ordinance for Subsurface Sewage Treatment System the County has sent out. Supervisor Demueles reported that some changes include inspections for all septic systems upon sale. In the past, if you were selling to a family member you didn’t need one. Also, the County would like to have mandatory inspections of septic systems.

Supervisor Wipper made a motion to renew the Kennel license for Canine Cabin Supervisor Demeules seconded and the motion was carried.


Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve claims #24150- #24167, plus Conexus, a check for Kangas that Roger had a few questions about, and payroll total of 46,160.64 Supervisor Wipper seconded.

Chairman Ganz made a motion to adjourn. Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Amy Bragelman, Palmer Township Clerk Approved as reviewed August 12, 2024


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