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June 10, 2024


The regular meeting of the Palmer Township Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Palmer Township Hall, with Chairman Ganz, Supervisor Demeules, and Supervisor Wipper present. Also, present was Amy Bragelman Township Clerk, and Roger Johnson Treasurer. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Treasurer’s Report:  Roger Johnson read the balances from the Treasurer's report. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Supervisor Wipper seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Sheriff’s Report: Sergeant Barrett read the Sheriff’s report for the month of May. There was a house fire on the corner of 57thst and County Road 16 with a casualty. There was another school bus stop arm violation. The offender was contacted and cited. A resident had a question about the laws on golf carts. Barrett stated that they aren’t supposed to be on the roads, but it may be helpful for the board to draft an ordinance. 


Road Maintenance/Signs: Supervisor Wipper stated that we have gone through 10 tons of asphalt in pothole repairs. Herbst will be out mowing Ditches in the Month of July. The ditches will also be sprayed for weeds. Chairman Ganz made a motion to apply Calcium Chloride on 98th and 113th Avenue for a price of $4,471.25. Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried. Supervisor Demeules reported that there are no updates on the culvert on Briggs Creek. Demeules also asked the engineers to get the Township an estimate for 26th Street and 108th.  Chairman Ganz reported that 56th Street has a massive water problem caused by the cul-de-sac. Curbing will be added to divert the water. Chairman Ganz made a motion to have RFC and curbing for a cost of 2,016.00. Supervisor Demeules seconded and the motion was carried. Chairman Ganz stated that a resident called the Township and was very upset. Her child kicked a ball into the holding pond on 109th. He went to retrieve the ball unaware of how deep the water was, his foot got stuck. She was very concerned that if he had fallen forward, he may have drowned. After talking to the Township attorney, it would be in the Township's best interest to put some kind of fence around the holding pond.


Fire Department: Chief Koren reported for the month of May. The monthly call report for 05/13/2024 to 06/09/2024. There was a total of 22 calls for the Clear Lake Fire Department. 10 of those calls were for Palmer Township, 5 being medical, 2 fire, 0 auto accidents, and 3 others. The 3 others were 2 gas leaks and 1 downed power line. Chairman Ganz reported that it was an active week last week with 4 trees down the supervisors cleaned up. One was on a power line, policy states that someone has to stay on sight to watch and direct traffic until the power company gets on the scene. Chairman Ganz asked residents to be active and clean up dead trees on their property before they fall on Township roads. However, one of the trees that fell was scheduled to be taken down.


P.E.C: Treasurer Roger Johnson reported that we had 203 participants on this year's clean-up day. We collected $4,800 in fees. It costs around $10,000 with the score grant that is due to come in we should end up paying a little more than 1,300.


Park Report: Chairman Ganz reported that Palmer Ball has 250 ball players in attendance. Parking has been very successful. This year the Supervisors and other volunteers have been directing parking to keep vehicles and kids off the roads. Six new trees have been purchased and planted at the park, along with four plaques for families to purchase to be dedicated to loved ones who have passed. Mulch will be placed around trees at a later date. Pickleball will be placed behind where the bandstand is placed on Palmer Day. Albert is working on the Tee Boxes for the Disc Golf course. Dogs are still an ongoing issue at the park. The lawn mower was brought in to Arnolds for small repairs.


Two Inlets: Supervisor Demeules reported that a resident called him and said that the path hadn’t been mowed and it was getting hard to walk on. Demeules called Gina at Parks and Rec, and the path was mowed shortly after. There will be no meetings in May, June or July.  


Lake Association: Shelly Alger-Peyton reported that the BLCA met on Friday the 7th for the annual membership meeting. They currently have around 214 members. They finished their second round of fish stocking on May 28th. There have been several reports of floating curly pond leaf on Elk. Gary Anderson is having someone come out and look at it. The DNR sprayed early this year due to lake temperatures and with the mild winter we had a lot more invasive weeds have been popping up. The Minnesota Collation of Lakes will be meeting with the DNR at the end of the month to see what else can be done. The directory will be out in the next few weeks. The BLCA has received a preliminary report from the Alam feasibility study, it was completed but not finalized until the Carp study is done in the fall. Briggs and Julia look like they will be good candidates for Alam treatments. They have no recommendations for Rush at this time. Water testing is being done every other week. Barb Aberg reported that the T-LID meets the first Monday of the month. They did a second survey on CLP and they will use that survey for next year's spraying. T- LID stands for Three Lakes Improving District and they deal with invasive species, water stabilization, and taxation. 


Approval of Minutes: Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the May minutes with minor corrections Supervisor Wipper seconded it and the motion carried.




NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Ganz made a motion to implement a data request form Supervisor Demeules seconded and the motion was carried.


Chairman Ganz made a motion to implement resolution 0124 to be reviewed and renewed every April. This resolution states that the Supervisors can perform duties that a contractor couldn’t do for less. Supervisor Wipper second and the motion was carried 


Ganz/Kozak Split

Supervisor Demeules made a motion to send favorable comments to the County to split off 5 acres of the property with the house. Supervisor Wipper Seconded and Chairman Ganz abstained. 




Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve claims #24119- #24118, plus Conexus, and payroll total of 52,851.98 Supervisor Wipper seconded.


Chairman Ganz made a motion to adjourn.  Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried.  The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.


Amy Bragelman, Palmer Township Clerk Approved as reviewed July 8th, 2024

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