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March 11, 2024


The regular meeting of the Palmer Township Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Palmer Township Hall, with Chairman Ganz, Supervisor Demeules, and Supervisor Wipper present. Also, present was Amy Bragelman Township Clerk. Roger Johnson Treasurer joined via Zoom. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Treasurer’s Report:  Roger Johnson read the balances from the Treasurer's report. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Supervisor Wipper seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Sheriff’s Report: Capitan Ben Zawacki read the Sheriff’s report for the month of February. 91 Total calls for service as compared to 85 calls for service in 2023. Zawacki stated that there were 32 traffic stops, 26 security checks, no burglaries or thefts, and 3 suspicious vehicles. Zawacki mentioned that there will be extra patrolling of ATVs and Side by Side. With the warm weather, there have been several complaints regarding ATVs and minors operating them. There are so many laws and regulations for different classes and sizes of ATVs, Zawacki urged residents to read up on the laws for their specific ATVs, and also notify the Sheriff’s office if they see individuals being unsafe. The Sheriff's office will be posting reminders via social media. Supervisor Demeules asked if they had noticed an increase in vandalism at Two Inlets Park. They have been monitoring both parks and haven’t noticed any new vandalism.


Road Maintenance/Signs: Chairman Ganz reported that we are saving money on snowplowing this year. Supervisor Demeules stated that road restrictions have been placed on the roads and could be in place for up to 8 weeks. Supervisor Wipper stated that he has bids, that we should have available tomorrow, for chip sealing crack sealing, and stripping for 42nd and 115th.  Chairman Ganz reported that we do have a sweeper lined up. A resident inquired about 109th by 4287. He stated that the road requires repair and asked if it was on the supervisor's radar. Supervisor Demeules stated that we have an engineers estimate for 109th from the y to 47th and 1/2. It came back at a little over $545,000.00. Supervisor Demeules stated that it may be something that could crack seal or patch until we can get that section of road done. Chairman Ganz stated that in our Road and Bridge fund, we currently have $365,000.00. Supervisor Demeules reported that on average we use $80,000 a year for small repairs, plowing, sweeping, and ditch mowing, to name a few. Supervisor Wipper stated that he would stop by and take a look.


Fire Department: No one was present



P.E.C: We are all set for clean-up day which will be held on May 18th 7 am to noon.



Park Report: Supervisor Wipper reported that he and members of the park committee have been working on taking trees and buckthorn out of the park. All Four Seasons was also at the park grinding stumps. Supervisor Wipper will be out there to finish cleaning up tomorrow. Supervisors reported that the Disc Golf Course is getting a lot of use. Char Langowski inquired about the Tennis Courts and Pickleball courts and wondering how much money is going into the project. Chairman Ganz stated that they have 62-foot by 85-foot area staked out at this time it is just a proposal and hasn’t been approved. Char wanted to know where the money would come from. Supervisor Demeules stated that last year the Committee stated that some money would come from the County, at this point we don’t have all of the numbers. Char stated that she would like to see one Tennis Court and a pickleball court and she would like to see that money go towards roads. Stacy Strang stated that the roads have a fund and the park has a fund those two are separate entities. The Supervisors stated that they can move any funds from any account except for the Fire Fund.  


Tow Inlets: Supervisor Demeules reported that Minnesota Land Trust and the Moorhouse family have agreed on a price. Minnesota Land Trust will lease the Moorhouse property to Sherburne County Parks and Rec. until they acquire the money to purchase. The transfer to the County should happen in 2025. They will not be taking money out of their general fund to purchase the Moorhouse property they will be looking for grants. 4 contractors attended the preproposal onsite for the decimation of 11 buildings. Awards will be done by March 16th.  The removal of 3 houses will be done by 2025. The County is looking for letters of support from Chair holders for Legacy Grant, Palmer Township being one. Supervisor Demeules showed possible park logos. The County is looking into putting the park into the National registry this has Pro’s and Cons, but will help protect the park better then the County can. Parks National Research Coordinator is a new position the County has created. This new position will help the Park go after grants, do controlled burns, and will run the intern program. A person has been hired and will start March 18th. Supervisor Demeules stated that they would like people to stay on the trails to the West and stay away from the buildings. We still haven’t officially turned over the road entering the park yet.


Lake Association: Shelly Alger-Peyton reported that they have received 153 memberships. Shelly reported that the online forms are doing well and residents are using them. They are stating to work on the Palmer Directory if any businesses would like to advirtise the deadline is March 24th. The BLCA met on Saturday, Shelly was unable to attend the meeting so the Vice President took her place for that meeting. New lake stewardship program there is information about that on the website. Walt will start water testing in May and it will go through October. Fundraising was awarded to the BLCA for a weekend at McDonalds Meats. Brad Kipp will be sending out high water notifications via email if that is a concern this year. Steve Demeules will continue to measure the water and Scott Ruiter will post High Water signs. The next meeting will be held April 13 at 8:30 Steve McComas will be a guest presenter.  PLM will start spraying in April they will be posting in the paper and will post on shorelines of individuals that want their shoreland sprayed. Chairman Ganz inquired to how many residents live on our lake Chains. Char Langowski stated 642. The topic of weeds in a dumpster came up again. Chairman Ganz stated that the Township didn’t turn it down the DNR is the only entity that can ok a dumpster for weeds.


Approval of Minutes: Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the February minutes with two corrections one being the price of the Moorehouse property was $431,000 and the second being that Cecil Peterson was on the board for 52 years. Supervisor Wipper seconded it and the motion carried.



OLD BUSINESS:  Hoag variance shoreland setback. The board of adjustments will be looking for a survey. They will be using the existing deck as an addition to the house. They need the survey to determine whether the house is on a bluff. Demeules will send Comment to the County.

Supervisor Wipper made a motion to continue to use Cummings to service the generator Supervisor Demeules Seconded and the motion was carried


NEW BUSINESS: 109th Easement agreement the property owners turned over the holding pond on their property. They would like the Township to split the cost of a fence in front of the holding pond. Chairman Ganz made a motion to accept the easement agreement Supervisor Demeules Seconded and the motion was carried

 Knife River Permit for gravel mining on 75th Ave. They are looking to open the site for sand source. Their life expectance for the site would be about 10 years. They will use the fine sand for making concrete. They will haul to the plant on highway 10. They would start hauling in June Demeules stated that the Township has questions on hours and loads coming out of pit. The township would like to see reduced hours of hauling.




Lefty Klies Questioned why the Supervisors are use the wood that they cut for free at the park for personal use. He stated that this is a huge conflict of issue.  He suggested that we let residents cut wood at the park for personal use or donate to Veterans. He also suggested letting sentence to serve program come in and clean brush and trees at the park. Chairman Ganz stated that there is a list that Townships need to get on to Sentence to Serve, we are on that list. They stated that their would-be Liability and we wouldn’t be able to cover residents under Townships Insurance policy. He also asked why Mitch Hoefer wasn’t being paid to cut trees, and was receiving unemployment. Chairman Ganz stated that Mitch Hoefer only wanted to cut grass and wanted to be laid off in the fall. Mitch Hoefer disagreed and stated that was not what he said. He stated that notes were not taken during his meeting with supervisor and his account of the meeting was different. Clerk Bragelman stated that she attended that meeting where notes were taken. She thought that maybe we should have had Mitch sign said note, along with supervisors. 


Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve claims #24049- #24067, plus Conexus, and Excel total of 9,515.27 Supervisor Wipper second


Chairman Ganz made a motion to adjourn.  Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried.  The meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.


Amy Bragelman, Palmer Township Clerk Approved as reviewed April 8th, 2024

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