October 14, 2024
The regular meeting of the Palmer Township Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Palmer Township Hall, with Chairman Ganz, Supervisor Demeules, and Supervisor Wipper present. Also, present was Amy Bragelman Township Clerk, and Roger Johnson Treasurer. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer’s Report: Roger Johnson read the balances from the Treasurer's report. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Supervisor Wipper seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Sheriff’s Report: Capitan Ben Zawacki read the Sheriff’s report for September. There were 90 Total calls for service as compared to 74 calls for service in 2023. There were 2 thefts, 2 fraud complaints, 30 traffic stops, 8 security checks, 2 extra patrols, 3 traffic complaints, 11 medicals, and 5 suspicious activities to name a few. Chairman Ganz reported that Excel will no longer be responsible for the emergency system sirens it is unclear at this time what will happen to them. Chairman Ganz also inquired about drone laws. Zawacki stated that there isn’t a lot of regulation in place for drones and advised residents to call the sheriff’s office if someone is flying over properties, invading privacy.
Road Maintenance/Signs: Supervisor Wipper stated that work started last week on 26th and 108th. A tree went down on 26th last night due to high winds. Herbst finished ditch mowing. Crack sealing will be done for the year that Central Minnesota sawing was doing. Signs are all up to date.
Fire Department: Chief Koren reported for August. The monthly call report for 09/09/2024 to 10/13/2024. There were 21 calls for the Clear Lake Fire Department. 9 of those calls were for Palmer Township, 8 being medical, 0 fires, and 1 auto accident. A new air compressor was put in at the Firehall new hoses will be added to the compressor later this week.
P.E.C: Treasurer Roger Johnson reported that we received our score grant and unfortunately, the County was unable to reimburse any additional funds as Palmer Township had already been given the full reimbursement for Eligible Items. Other townships received some additional funding but Palmer Township didn’t qualify. The next cleanup day is tentatively set for May 17th.
Park Report: Chairman Ganz reported that the Township is looking into purchasing a new mower. They looked into lease options but the price options were not favorable. We did receive a quote for a new Kubota Grass Catcher Blower for 1,898.00 that we need to replace. The mower we currently have is two years old and the warranty is for 2 years. There was a main line water leak at the park, which Supervisor Wipper fixed. Brandon Weis will finish picking up leaves and winterizing the park. Chairman Ganz made a motion to purchase two thousand dollars’ worth of trees to be put in the park Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried.
Two Inlets: Supervisor Demeules reported that Amy Bragelman went to Bdote with the Minnesota Humanities Center on Wednesday, September 18. The purpose was to learn about the Dakota and Sioux people what they would like to see happen in the future and what has happened in the past. The next meeting is Wednesday. They will give an update on the decommissioning of buildings. They will talk about what they have accomplished this year and what they will do next year.
Park Committee: Nothing new to report.
Lake Association: Shelly Alger-Peyton reported that they met on October 12th. They are looking for volunteers for their January 2025 membership mailing. They are still waiting on the final Carp study report. They are starting to reach out to advertisers for the 2025 directory. Highway 25 clean-up will be on Saturday the 19th. Saturday, December 7th is the lighted train, and February 8th will be Ice Day weather permitting. Supervisor Demeules reached out to Tim Edgerton from the DNR regarding some shared costs for the porta-potties at the landings. They will talk more about sharing the cost of porta-potties in the coming weeks. The Township currently pays for Elk and Julia’s porta-potties.
Tlid: Nancy Hahne reported that Bob Sass is the new Chair. He is working on the yearly report that they need to send to the County. They looked at 2025 goals They will continue to meet the first Monday of the month at 6 PM at the Town Hall.
Approval of Minutes: Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the September minutes Supervisor Wipper seconded it and the motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: Emily Schlangen Requesting a 155' variance in setback to side property line for a chicken broiler barn. The required setback from the side property line is 250'. Palmer Township has no issue with the variance as presented. The Applicant's choice of location makes sense to stay close to the road and away from the irrigation. Supervisor Demeules will send comments to the County.
Robert and Melissa Wendell are requesting Sherburne County zoning ordinance, Section 5, Subdivision 2 definition “single-family residence” a dwelling which is a minimum of 24” wide and a minimum of 720 square feet in the main floor area. The septic tank was abandoned and they would like to put one back in. Palmer Township has no issues with the applicant's request, but they need to be aware that any additional improvements may require variances. Supervisor Demeules will send comments to the County
Grant Heglund represented by Dale Gruber Construction is requesting a 7' variance in setbacks from the side property line for a new pitch to the roof and to raise the height of the water-orientated structure. The required side setback from the side property line is 10'. Palmer Township has no issue with the property owner maintaining existing buildings but advised that they do more to mitigate impervious surfaces on the property.
November 11 meeting has been moved to the 18th since the 11th is Veterans Day.
Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve claims #24234- #24260, plus Conexus, Midco for a total of $32,712.74. Supervisor Wipper seconded.
Chairman Ganz made a motion to adjourn. Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
Amy Bragelman, Palmer Township Clerk Approved as reviewed November 18, 2024