Building Permits - Building permits, variances, conditional use permits, interim use permits must all go through Sherburne County Planning and Zoning first.​ning-Zoning
Burning Permits - Burning Permits can be obtain through the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website.
ROW / Utility Permits - Right of Way and Utility permits are requested through Palmer Township. You can download an application here and return it to the Palmer Township Hall when complete. You will be contacted after the supervisors have reviewed the request for a permit. Work cannot be started until authorization has been confirmed with a supervisor. Fees may apply.
Driveway Permits ( Access to township road) - To add a new access to a township road from personal or commercial property you must apply for a driveway permit through Palmer Township. You can download an application here and return it to the Palmer Township Hall when complete. You will be contacted after the supervisors have reviewed the application for a permit. Work cannot be started until authorization has been confirmed with a supervisor. Culverts may be required. You can access the engineering standards and the detail description below. Fees may apply.