September 11, 2023
The regular meeting of the Palmer Township Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Palmer Township Hall, with Chairman Ganz, Supervisor Demeules, and Supervisor Wipper present. Also present were, Amy Bragelman Township Clerk, and Roger Johnson Treasurer. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer’s Report: Roger Johnson read the balances from the Treasurer's report. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Supervisor Wipper seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Sheriff’s Report: Capitan Ben Zawacki read the Sheriff’s for the month of August. 93 Total calls for service as compared to 99 calls for service in 2022. There were 26 traffic stops, 28 security checks, 3 welfare checks, 2 suspicious persons, 6 medical, and 1 medical. Supervisor Demeules mentioned that he received a call from the Sheriff's office to look at the Town hall cameras and see if a man suspected of being involved in a hit-and-run was caught on camera. He was and that evidence was turned over to the detectives. Chairman Ganz asked Zawacki if he had noticed less speeding since the driver feedback signs have been in use. They both agreed that they have help with speeding through town.
Road Maintenance/Signs: Chairman Ganz stated that Herbst did a little bit of mowing before Palmer Day. MJS picked up the seed and will be finishing shoulder work on 42nd. The Kimballs on 109th are working with David Myer Township attorney so that the holding pond in their yard will be Township property. Chairman Ganz stated that she also mentioned they may want to put up some kind of fence around the holding pond. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to pay MJS $34,292.59 with a change of $3,040.00 for the work done on 109th, Supervisor Wipper seconded. Supervisor Demeules also made a motion to pay MJS for work done on 42nd Street for $36,363.00 with a change order of $7,240.00 Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried that both of these sums would be taken from ARPA funds. Chairman Ganz noted that the change orders were due to extra dirt that was needed and working with homeowners caused extra expenses. Chairman Ganz explained that patchwork had been done on 42nd Street the North end of Briggs the corner was washed out. There was a patch in Bryer Oaks. Supervisor Wipper stated that we should get 3 to 5 years out of the patchwork, it’s a cost-effective way to get through for now. Chairman Ganz mentioned that patching was also done in front of the Township Hall, and three patches on the bike trail. Chairman Ganz stated that they will be working on tarring 115th at this time it is gravel. The tar should be coming next week on the 18th. Roger Johnson Inquired if the skid steerer on 115th could be moved off the road. Chairman Ganz said that he would talk to Dunick. Chairman Ganz stated that they will be doing some brushing this month, more potholing, and will be looking into stripping some of the roads.
Fire Department: Chief Koren gave the monthly call report for the period of 8/14/23 – 9/11/23 There was a total of 17 calls for the Clear Lake Fire Department. 5 of those calls were for Palmer Township, 4 being medical, 0 fires, and 1 auto accident. Chairman Ganz thanked the fire department for their presence at Palmer Day. Chairman Ganz mentioned that a few people asked why there wasn’t a presentation with the K-9 unit at the park. Ganz explained that they were not able to do a demonstration in case someone at the park had any substances on them, be it medical or not. These dogs are trained to detect things like marijuana and if they detect something it could become a liability. The dog and his handler were at the park for a meet and greet.
P.E.C: Nothing for P.E.C
Park Report: Chairman Ganz stated that a few trees were cleaned up at the park before Palmer Day and the park looked great. Ganz also mentioned that there were dogs, other than the K-9 unit, at the park on Palmer Day and their owners didn’t pick up after them. Yet another reason why dogs are not allowed at the park. Stacy Strang reported for the Palmer Park Committee. Stacy stated that on Palmer Day she put out a last-minute survey to see what residents and patrons of Palmer Day would like to see at the park. They had a total of 57 respondents, 17 said that they only used the park for Palmer Day. Out of those 17, some comments were adding a pool, more rain shelters, and beer year-round. Another person stated that they would like to see more events at the park specifically for teens. Chairman Ganz stated that was done in the past and they ran into problems. Out of the 40 remaining responses from people who use the park more frequently, there was a lot of feedback on how clean and safe the park was. Almost half of the people stated that they used the park daily or weekly. Some favorite activities are the walking paths, the playground, the ball fields, and the trees. Chairman Ganz asked if we could have a copy of the surveys to keep at the Town Hall. Stacey stated that she could do that. Stacy asked if the board would be willing to meet with the committee to discuss the Tennis Court on sight. They scheduled a date of Next Tuesday the 19th at noon at the park. Mark Nichelson mapped and planned out a 9-hole Disc Golf course for the park. Mark explained a little about disc golf and the equipment needed to play. Chairman Ganz asked Mark how big of a following disc golf has. Mark stated that St. Cloud and the surrounding areas have many different courses, some are pay-to-play, in Minnesota there are 400 courses, and some of the tournaments bring in upwards of 5,000 people. This sport can be played year-round, and the baskets can also be moved for different courses. The committee also stated that there could be room for local businesses to sponsor a hole, not something that would have to be done. There is an app called You Disc that the Township could register on so that travelers could see that Palmer Park offers Disc Golf. The price for a course will be $6,872.06. The price includes signage, baskets, turf around the baskets, maps locks, tee boxes, and installation. No trees will be removed in the installation of this course, maybe some branches. Mark stated that you can get volunteers to install it. Nancy stated that it would be fun to have a training day. Mark said that he would be willing to do a training day. It should be mostly maintenance-free. The committee would like to get this in this year.
Supervisor Demeules stated that Northern Reliability is working closely with Trible Reps at Elk Lake Park. The survey is wrapping up, no money will be coming from the U.S. Senators this year. TEI has been awarded the deconstruction of phase one, which includes the poultry shed, hog barn, and horse barn. They are looking at temporary fencing down by the lake to keep people from accessing the park from the lake in the winter. There was a site visit on August 21st from local and state representatives. Supervisor Demeules also mentioned that he will be attending a cultural orientation training at the end of the month in Cromwell. Still looking at getting some of the trails done at the end of the year and the road done. The park is scheduled to be completed in 12 years.
Lake Association: Supervisor Demeules reported that the BLCA the new board members take over next month. Lake samples will continue to be taken through the month of September. The Carp survey will take place sometime this month, and the core samples from each lake. T – Lid training started last Monday, with 2 new members.
Legal Comments: Chairman Ganz stated that rates went up for Curry and Rupp to $290 an hour.
Approval of Minutes: Maureen Havert inquired as to why we are having keys changed at the town hall. Supervisors stated that we don’t know who currently has keys and we will not be giving out keys moving forward. We have Key cards that can be assigned to a person and we can also program the door to open and lock at certain times. The cards can be deactivated if lost, stolen, or simply not returned. Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve the August minutes as written. Supervisor Wipper seconded it and the motion carried.
ARPA FUND: Supervisor Demeules reported that paid for the locks to be replaced, the pressure washer, and the tables that we used at Palmer Day.
OLD BUSINESS: Harry Ernzer asked if we are going to have an election to vote on whether or not we will help pay for Clear Lakes Firehall. Chairman Ganz mentioned that we may call a special election to vote on whether or not the Township will help pay for a Firehall or we may put it on March’s election. The board stated that Clear Lake hasn’t given them all the information on what they want and what they can give. The next Fireboard meeting is next month. Harry asked if we could partner with another fire department if we needed to. Ganz stated that anything is possible, but it is not likely that another department would want to do that. They all work closely together. We also don’t own any equipment. Lonnie Suckert asked if they paid rent. Ganz stated that they pay utilities only. Mitch Hoefer asked what they wanted from Palmer Township. The Board stated that their building will cost around two million dollars and they are asking for about a 1/3. Ganz wanted to be very clear that the Fire Department Never said they would not service Palmer if we don’t help them pay for a new building. Residents asked why they didn’t help us. Supervisor Demeules stated that we wanted this building in our name and “not all these fingers in the pot.” Other residents stated that buying equipment and training volunteers would come at a higher cost than helping our neighbors. Supervisors stated that we don’t have all of the information at this point. They should have bonded and prepared but they have expenses that we don’t and fewer residents.
NEW BUSINESS: Stacy Strang CUP 40-407-0280 They would like to put a pole shed on a property that they own across from their house. The township would like to see the applicants present a plan on how they will keep gravel debris from washing off their driveway onto Township Roads. Other than that, there is no issue.
Mark Rinehart didn’t show
Supervisor Demeules made a motion to approve claims #23219- #23233, plus payroll, Conexus, and MJS for a total of 94,968.28 Supervisor Wipper second
Chairman Demeules made a motion to adjourn. Supervisor Wipper seconded and the motion was carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m.
Amy Bragelman, Palmer Township Clerk Approved as reviewed October 9th, 2023